广州祺烨电子科技有限公司是芬兰SATEL数传电台、芬兰Completech天线在中国的总代理商,是奥林巴斯无损检测仪部OLYMPUS NDT在中国华南地区授权的经销商。公司同时从事工业自动化软硬件研发、销售、系统集成和技术服务,并引进国外的先进技术和产品,致力于为工业、能源、交通、测量、特种设备等行业的客户提供解决方案,以帮助客户提高效率,同时降低对环境的不良影响,帮助系统集成商在各领域提供多种满足客户需求的增值解决方案和服务。
SATEL CHINA CO., LTD is entrepreneurial company with expertise in research and development, integration and technical service of industrial hardware and software that enable utility 、transportation、land survey and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. SATEL CHINA cooperates closely with system integrators to help them add value to meet stringent requirements from customers in a wide array of industries.
SATEL CHINA develops and provides a complete range of Industrial automation products, including radio modem, monitoring system and all kinds of instruments, as well as automation software based on PC-compatible control technology etc. It thus obtains over 10 years of successful experience in providing system solution and technical consultancy service, now is represented in many country.
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